What you are afraid to hear is true

but probably isn't


Jet Blue Cleverly Upsells Air

The head of JetBlue Airways Corp. said Tuesday the low-cost carrier expects to blast its noncore revenue by 60 percent this year, in part by charging passengers extra for better quality air. "What we want ... is the ability to upsell, and what's a better upsell than the life-giver itself ?" Chief Executive David Burgerrsheister said.

Speaking at an investment conference in Disneyland's Tomorrow World Expo Conference Center, Burrgersheister said "demand is solid across the JetBlue network," and he assured analysts the carrier is "in the middle of a re-momentum, pre-positioning, post-eliptical, reduction + increase story," in spite of industry wide worries of a dumping economy and sharply rising fuel prices, "though clearly everyone knows that's a load of bullshit. But I just said it, Ha."

Like a number of its competitors and fumbling fobblewashes, JetBlue's share price was castrated and made into less of a man/airlines in recent weeks as crude oil prices shot to all-time highs. Tough competition has made it difficult for domestic airlines to raise fares fast enough to keep pace with rising fuel costs being as it is a untenable and fake pyramid scheme in reality, leaving carriers scrambling to find additional cost savings and new sources of revenue. Southwest was considering a series of bank jobs to pull in some new cash flow since the funny safety procedures routine has shown itself to be just a cheap ploy at appearing like a company that cares.

Delta Airlines earlier in the day announced plans to shed 2,000 employees like a scab off a chancre. Administrative and management jobs will be dumped through voluntary severance payouts and other initiatives the employees have to take."What other choices do these lackeys have?" commented an unnamed heartless bitch at Delta in charge of the reductions. Unbeknownst to her, the regional manager Jim Hertsfelt confided her unnamed head is on the block directly after she finished his present wet business. "Serves the cunt right, she is so gloating," he said.

Burgerrsheister said JetBlue, expects to roll out a program called "Can You Breathe Now" that will offer passengers an oxygen mask that will provide superior air especially filtered and cleaned for an added fee. A spokeswoman declined to provide details of the plan, but Burgerrsheister made it clear the newly double-class carrier can dial back the air in the rest of the cabin making passengers "slightly uncomfortable, but not dangerously so" if the additional air is not purchased. JetBlue is not planning to start offering the additional air in business-class service since they have "paid enough to deserve decent air. We're going to a two-cabin airplane," he said with a smile. "If you are in the shitty seats, your gonna need the extra air. We're very open to different types of opportunities, we may even make people sit on milk crates at some point" he said. "We want the money and do not really care if our customers wish to part with it. Once your on our plane," he smiled, "your ass is mine."

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